T. J. Potter, Sling Maker

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Instructions for a 3-strand Braid

This very common braid is simple to learn and fast to make, and is therefore a very useful braid for many purposes.

To start the braid, hold two strands in one hand and one in the other (in this case the right hand holds two strands). The first strand to be moved will be the outside right-hand strand. Take this strand and bring it over the inside right-hand strand. Pass it to the left hand keeping it to the inside of the strand already in the left hand as indicated by the blue arrow.

The next step is basically the opposite of the first. Take the outside left-hand strand and pass it to the right hand keeping it to the inside of the existing right-hand strand as shown by the blue arrow.

Here you can see both steps completed. Note that there are again two strands in the right hand, the same as in the initial position. These two passes are the only steps for this braid, and can be repeated over and over in sequence for as long as desired.

Here you can see what the braid looks like after several passes are completed.

"So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone..." I Samuel 17:50

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