T. J. Potter, Sling Maker

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Instructions for a Twist Braid

Technically, this is more of a knot than a braid, but it is closely related to braiding. It is a useful technique for applications where a braided structure is desirable, but only a single strand is to be used.

The first step is to tie a large overhand knot. Form a loop by bringing the end of the cord around and over itself. Then, as indicated by the blue arrow, bring the end up through the loop.

Position the work as shown above, and taking the loop, and bring the right side over the left side so that they overlap.

The overlap has now formed two holes out of the loop. Take the end of the cord and bring it through the first hole coming up from the bottom as shown.

Now take the end and go bring it up through the second hole.

This completes one cycle of the process. Although I have shown the steps with the knot tied rather loosely for clarity's sake, I prefer to keep the knot tight as I work, the same way I would if I was braiding.

Here is the start of a second cycle. Overlap the loop in the same way as before.

Bring the end of the cord up through the first hole.

Now bring it up through the second hole.

Here is what two cycles looks like before being tightened.

This is what the two cycles look like after they have been tightened. This type of knot can be made as long as desired simply by repeating the above process over and over.

"So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone..." I Samuel 17:50

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Copyright by Timothy Potter